Sunday, September 27, 2009

NTU talk: Current Challenges in Vision-Based Driver Assistance Systems

Title: Current Challenges in Vision-Based Driver Assistance Systems
Speaker: Prof. Reinhard Klette, The University of Auckland, Tamaki campus
Time: 10:00am, Sep 28 (Mon), 2009
Place: Room 105, CSIE building

Abstract: The talk starts with informing briefly about the .enpeda..project at The University of Auckland, and goals in vision-based driver assistance systems (DAS) in general, illustrated by accident statistics. Lane and corridor detection is a traditional DAS subject, and curved and unmarked roads define still a challenge. A solution for corridor (i.e., the expected space to drive in) detection is discussed based on applying the Euclidean distance transform. The main part of the talk is then about current stereo and optic flow algorithms on real-world (stereo) sequences. Prediction error analysis and evaluations on synthetic DAS sequences are discussed as possible options, and conclusions are drawn, such as the suggestion that correspondence algorithms should use residual images as input rather than the original sequences. Finally, a performance evaluation approach is illustrated which is currently under implementation, using a 3D model of a real scene for generating real-world sequences with ground truth for stereo and optical flow.

Short Biography: See Dr. Klette's resaerch at

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