Title: Multi-Robot Marginal-SLAM
Authors: Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Jose A. Castellanos, and Nando de Freitas
This paper has two goals. First, it expands the presentation of the marginal particle filter for SLAM proposed recently in [Martinez-Cantin et al., 2006].In particular, it presents detailed pseudo-code to enable practitioners to implement the algorithm easily. Second, it proposes an extension to the multi-robot setting. In the marginal representation, the robots share a common map and their locations are independent given this map. The robot's relative locations with respect to each other are assumed to be unknown. The multi-robot Marginal-Slam algorithm estimates these transformations of coordinates between the robots to produce a common global map.
[Martinez-Cantin et al., 2006]:
R. Martinez-Cantin, N. de Freitas, and J.A. Castellanos
Marginal-SLAM: A Convergent Particle Method for Simultaneous Robot Localization and Mapping, 2006.
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