Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lab Meeting September 12, 2013 (Jimmy): Indoor Tracking and Navigation Using Received Signal Strength and Compressive Sensing on a Mobile Device

Title: Indoor Tracking and Navigation Using Received Signal Strength and Compressive Sensing on a Mobile Device
Authors: Anthea Wain Sy Au, Chen Feng, Shahrokh Valaee, Sophia Reyes, Sameh Sorour, Samuel N. Markowitz, Deborah Gold, Keith Gordon, and Moshe Eizenman
In: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2013

An indoor tracking and navigation system based on measurements of received signal strength (RSS) in wireless local area network (WLAN) is proposed. In the system, the location determination problem is solved by first applying a proximity constraint to limit the distance between a coarse estimate of the current position and a previous estimate. Then, a Compressive Sensing-based (CS-based) positioning scheme, proposed in our previous work [1], [2], is applied to obtain a refined position estimate. The refined estimate is used with a map-adaptive Kalman filter, which assumes a linear motion between intersections on a map that describes the user’s path, to obtain a more robust position estimate. Experimental results with the system that is implemented on a PDA with limited resources (HP iPAQ hx2750 PDA) show that the proposed tracking system outperforms the widely used traditional positioning and tracking systems. Meanwhile, the tracking system leads to 12.6 percent reduction in the mean position error compared to the CS-based stationary positioning system when three APs are used. A navigation module that is integrated with the tracking system provides users with instructions to guide them to predefined destinations. Thirty visually impaired subjects from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) were invited to further evaluate the performance of the navigation system. Testing results suggest that the proposed system can be used to guide visually impaired subjects to their desired destinations.


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