Title: Switchable Constraints vs. Max-Mixture Models vs. RRR - A Comparison of Three Approaches to Robust Pose Graph SLAM
Authors: Niko SΓΌnderhauf and Peter Protzel
SLAM algorithms that can infer a correct map despite the presence of outliers have recently attracted increasing attention. In the context of SLAM, outlier constraints are typically caused by a failed place recognition due to perceptional aliasing. If not handled correctly, they can have catastrophic effects on the inferred map. Since robust robotic mapping and SLAM are among the key requirements for autonomous long-term operation, inference methods that can cope with such data association failures are a hot topic in current research. Our paper compares three very recently published approaches to robust pose graph SLAM, namely switchable constraints, max-mixture models and the RRR algorithm. All three methods were developed as extensions to existing factor graph-based SLAM back-ends and aim at improving the overall system’s robustness to false positive loop closure constraints. Due to the novelty of the three proposed algorithms, no direct comparison has been conducted so far.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013
Reference Link:
Switchable Constraints
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