Wednesday, October 24, 2012

NTU CSIE Talk: [2012-11-09] Dr. Koji Yatani, "A Ph.D. – What does it take?"

Title: A Ph.D. – What does it take?
Date: 2012-11-09 2:20pm
Location: R103
Speaker: Dr. Koji Yatani, Microsoft Research Asia
Getting a Ph.D. surely needs long effort, but why? Of course, research takes time, but a Ph.D. is not just about research. A Ph.D. student needs to be more than just a research person to be a successful Ph.D. This talk is not about a collection of my research projects (although I will introduce some of them a bit); rather, a collection of my experience in research at University of Toronto, Microsoft Research Asia, and industry labs where I did my internship. Through this talk, I will attempt to share my thoughts on what I believe a Ph.D. student should do and learn before getting her Ph.D. Your honest discussions, opinions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Dr. Koji Yatani ( is an associate researcher in Human-Computer Interaction Group at Microsoft Research Asia. His main research interests lie in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and its intersections with Ubiquitous Computing and Computational Linguistics. More specifically, he is interested in designing new forms of interacting with mobile devices, and developing new hardware and sensing technologies to support user interactions in mobile/ubiquitous computing environments. He is also interested in developing interactive systems and exploring new applications using computational linguistics methods.
He received B.Eng. and M.Sci. from University of Tokyo in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Toronto in 2011. On November 2011, he joined HCI group at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing. He was a recipient of NTT Docomo Scholarship (October 2003 -- March 2005), and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (April 2005 -- March 2006). He received the Best Paper Award at CHI 2011. He served as a program committee on CHI 2013, Ubicomp 2012, and WHC 2013. He also served as a Mentoring co-chair on ITS 2012.

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