Monday, June 20, 2011

Lab Meeting June 22th (Chih-Chung):Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation and Control for Quadrotors (ICRA2011,best paper)

Title: Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation and Control for Quadrotors

Authors: Daniel Mellinger and Vijay Kumar

We address the controller design and the trajectory
generation for a quadrotor maneuvering in three
dimensions in a tightly constrained setting typical of indoor
environments. In such settings, it is necessary to allow for
significant excursions of the attitude from the hover state and
small angle approximations cannot be justified for the roll
and pitch. We develop an algorithm that enables the real-time
generation of optimal trajectories through a sequence of 3-D
positions and yaw angles, while ensuring safe passage through
specified corridors and satisfying constraints on velocities,
accelerations and inputs. A nonlinear controller ensures the
faithful tracking of these trajectories. Experimental results
illustrate the application of the method to fast motion (5-10
body lengths/second) in three-dimensional slalom courses.


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