Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lab Meeting November 29, 2010 (Wang Li): Adaptive Pose Priors for Pictorial Structures (CVPR 2010)

Adaptive Pose Priors for Pictorial Structures

Benjamin Sapp
Chris Jordan
Ben Taskar


The structure and parameterization of a pictorial structure model is often restricted by assuming tree dependency structure and unimodal, data-independent pairwise interactions, which fail to capture important patterns in the data. On the other hand, local methods such as kernel density estimation provide nonparametric flexibility but require large amounts of data to generalize well. We propose a simple semi-parametric approach that combines the tractability of pictorial structure inference with the flexibility of non-parametric methods by expressing a subset of model parameters as kernel regression estimates from a learned sparse set of exemplars. This yields query-specific, image-dependent pose priors. We develop an effective shape-based kernel for upper-body pose similarity and propose a leave-one-out loss function for learning a sparse subset of exemplars for kernel regression. We apply our techniques to two challenging datasets of human figure parsing and advance the state-of-the-art (from 80% to 86% on the Buffy dataset), while using only 15% of the training data as exemplars.

Paper Link

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