Monday, October 25, 2010

Lab meeting Oct. 25 2010, (David) Threat-aware Path Planning in Uncertain Urban Environments (IROS 2010)

Title: Threat-aware Path Planning in Uncertain Urban Environments

Authors: Georges S. Aoude, Brandon D. Luders, Daniel S. Levine, and Jonathan P. How

This paper considers the path planning problem
for an autonomous vehicle in an urban environment populated
with static obstacles and moving vehicles with uncertain intents.
We propose a novel threat assessment module, consisting of
an intention predictor and a threat assessor, which augments
the host vehicle’s path planner with a real-time threat value
representing the risks posed by the estimated intentions of
other vehicles. This new threat-aware planning approach is
applied to the CL-RRT path planning framework, used by the
MIT team in the 2007 DARPA Grand Challenge. The strengths
of this approach are demonstrated through simulation and
experiments performed in the RAVEN testbed facilities

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