Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lab Meeting August 31st, 2010 (David): Scene Understanding in a Large Dynamic Environment through a Laser-based Sensing (ICRA'10)

Scene Understanding in a Large Dynamic Environment through a Laser-based Sensing

Huijing Zhao, Yiming Liu, Xiaolong Zhu, Yipu Zhao, Hongbin Zha

It became a well known technology that a map of complex environment containing low-level geometric primitives (such as laser points) can be generated using a robot with laser scanners. This research is motivated by the need of obtaining semantic knowledge of a large urban outdoor environment after the robot explores and generates a low-level sensing data set. An algorithm is developed with the data represented in a range image, while each pixel can be converted into a 3D coordinate. Using an existing segmentation method that models only geometric homogeneities, the data of a single object of complex geometry, such as people, cars, trees etc., is partitioned into different segments. Such a segmentation result will greatly restrict the capability of object recognition. This research proposes a framework of simultaneous segmentation and classification of range image, where the classification of each segment is conducted based on its geometric properties, and homogeneity of each segment is evaluated conditioned on each object class. Experiments are presented using the data of a large dynamic urban outdoor environment, and performance of the algorithm is evaluated.

local copy : [link]

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