Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lab Meeting July 20, 2010 (Jimmy): Group-Sensitive Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Categorization

Title: Group-Sensitive Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Categorization
Authors: Jingjing Yang, Yuanning Li, Yonghong Tian, Lingyu Duan, Wen Gao
In: ICCV 2009

In this paper, we propose a group-sensitive multiple kernel learning (GS-MKL) method to accommodate the intra-class diversity and the inter-class correlation for object categorization. By introducing an intermediate representation “group” between images and object categories, GS-MKL attempts to find appropriate kernel combination for each group to get a finer depiction of object categories. For each category, images within a group share a set of kernel weights while images from different groups may employ distinct sets of kernel weights. In GS-MKL, such group-sensitive kernel combinations together with the multi-kernels based classifier are optimized in a joint manner to seek a trade-off between capturing the diversity and keeping the invariance for each category. Extensive experiments show that our proposed GS-MKL method has achieved encouraging performance over three challenging datasets.


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