Monday, December 28, 2009

Lab Meeting December 30th, 2009 (Nicole) : Estimation of Sound Source Number and Directions under a Multi-source Environment (IROS 2009)

Title: Estimation of Sound Source Number and Directions under a Multi-source Environment (IROS 2009)

Authors: Jwu-Sheng Hu, Member IEEE, Chia-Hsing Yang, Student Member IEEE, and Cheng-Kang Wang


Sound source localization is an important featurein robot audition. This work proposes a sound source numberand directions estimation method by using the delayinformation of microphone array. An eigenstructure-basedgeneralized cross correlation method is proposed to estimatetime delay between microphones. Upon obtaining the time delayinformation, the sound source direction and velocity can beestimated by least square method. In multiple sound source case,the time delay combination among microphones is arrangedsuch that the estimated sound speed value falls within anacceptable range. By accumulating the estimation results ofsound source direction and using adaptive K-means++algorithm, the sound source number and directions can beestimated.


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