Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NTU talk: Data-Aware Search: Web Scale Integration, Web Scale Inspiration

Title: Data-Aware Search: Web Scale Integration, Web Scale Inspiration
Speaker: Prof. Kevin C. Chang, UIUC
Time: 2:10pm, Oct 15 (Thu), 2009
Place: Room 210, CSIE building

What have you been searching lately? With so much data on the web, we often look for various "stuff" across many sites-- but current search engines can only find web pages and then only one page at a time.

Towards "data-aware" search over the web as a massive database, we face the challenges of integrating data from everywhere. The barrier boils down to the classic "impedance mismatch" between structured queries over unstructured data-- but now at the Internet scale! I will discuss our lessons learned in the MetaQuerier and WISDM projects at Illinois, in which we develop large-scale data integration by two approaches with duality-- bringing data to match queries, and vice versa. I will demo prototypes and their productization at Cazoodle.

Short Biography:
Kevin C. Chang is an Associate Professor in Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received a BS from National Taiwan University and PhD from Stanford University, in Electrical Engineering. He likes large scale information access and, with his students, co-founded Cazoodle, a startup from the University of Illinois, for developing "data-aware" search over the web. URL: http://www-faculty.cs.uiuc.edu/~kcchang

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