Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lab Meeting 10/21 (Gary): 3D Alignment of Face in a Single Image (CVPR 06)

Authors: Lie Gu, Takeo Kanade


We present an approach for aligning a 3D deformable model to a single face image. The model consists of a set of sparse 3D points and the view-based patches associated with every point. Assuming a weak perspective projection model, our algorithm iteratively deforms the model and adjusts the 3D pose to fit the image. As opposed to previous approaches, our algorithm starts the fitting without resorting to manual labeling of key facial points. And it makes no assumptions about global illumination or surface properties, so it can be applied to a wide range of imaging conditions. Experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively handle unseen faces with a variety of pose and illumination variations.


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