Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lab Meeting August 17, 2009(Kuen-Han): Moving Obstacle Detection in Highly Dynamic Scenes(ICRA09)

Title:Moving Obstacle Detection in Highly Dynamic Scenes(ICRA09)
Authors:A. Ess, B. Leibe, K. Schindler, and L. van Gool.


We address the problem of vision-based multipersontracking in busy pedestrian zones using a stereo rigmounted on a mobile platform. Specifically, we are interestedin the application of such a system for supporting pathplanning algorithms in the avoidance of dynamic obstacles.
The complexity of the problem calls for an integrated solution, whichextracts as much visual information as possible and combinesit through cognitive feedback.

We propose such an approach,which jointly estimates camera position, stereo depth, objectdetections, and trajectories based only on visual information.The interplay between these components is represented in agraphical model. For each frame, we first estimate the groundsurface together with a set of object detections. Based onthese results, we then address object interactions and estimatetrajectories. Finally, we employ the tracking results to predictfuture motion for dynamic objects and fuse this informationwith a static occupancy map estimated from dense stereo.

The approach is experimentally evaluated on several longand challenging video sequences from busy inner-city locationsrecorded with different mobile setups. The results show thatthe proposed integration makes stable tracking and motionprediction possible, and thereby enables path planning incomplex and highly dynamic scenes.



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