Wednesday, January 07, 2009

NTU talk: Lecture Series on Brain Theory and Neural Network

Speaker:Dr. Michael A. Arbib,
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering Neurobiology, and Psychology, University of Southern California

Lecture Series on Brain Theory and Neural Network (I)
Time:2009/01/10 (Saturday) 9:00~12:00
Title: An introduction of Brain theory and artificial intelligence:
(1)Brief overview of AI & BT networks of leaky integrator neurons
(2)Winner-Take-All(a frog model);Didday-Arbib & Itti-Koch on visual attention

Lecture Series on Brain Theory and Neural Network (II)
Time:2009/01/11 (Sunday) 9:00~12:00
Topics:(1)Dominey Arbib model of perception and attention:Working Memory & Dynamic Remapping
(2)Object Recognition & Scene Perception

Lecture Series on Brain Theory and Neural Network(III)
Time: 2009/01/12(Monday) 9:00~12:00
Tpoics:Adaptive networks; reinforcement learning
(1)Introduction to Hebbian, supervised and reinforcement learning in neural networks
(2)Augmented Competitive Queuing: Opportunistic scheduling with mirror neurons and reinforcement learning

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