Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Call for Contributions - IJCAI 2009 Mobile Manipulation Challenge

IJCAI 2009 Mobile Manipulation Challenge
July 13-16, 2009
Pasadena, CA, USA


The IJCAI 2009 Mobile Manipulation Challenge, held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, welcomes contributions that demonstrate physically embodied robots performing a mobile manipulation task. This year, we aim to bring together several research/commercial groups to demonstrate complete platforms performing relevant mobile manipulation tasks. Our long-term aim is to define increasingly challenging experiments future mobile manipulation events and greater scientific understanding of the area.

AREAS OF INTEREST include (but are not limited to):

- point-and-click fetching: where human users can select various objects (possibly using a laser pointer) for a mobile robot to fetch, we invite participants to bring objects for collective use for all contributors;

- assembling structures: robot manipulators that can build larger structures by connecting smaller primitive parts;

- searching for hidden objects: search tasks that involve manipulation of occluding objects to find hidden goal object.

CONTRIBUTIONS can include live hardware demonstrations and/or short video clips, showcasing manipulation abilities as described above. Those interested in contributing should submit a 1-2 page proposal, by March 1 2009, containing the following information:

- the names and affiliation of the exhibitors;
- a summary of the objectives and methods of the underlying research;
- description of the manipulation demonstration;
- citations to any relevant or supporting papers;
- if you are proposing a live hardware demonstration, a list and short description of the hardware you will be using at the Challenge.

SUBMISSION can be done via email at the address:

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by March 20, 2009.

TRAVEL SUPPORT may be possible for selected participants and their hardware, depending on available funds and level of demand.

MISSION: the IJCAI 2009 Challenge will serve as the foundation for more focused and commonly pursued challenges for AAAI 2010 and beyond. Please visit the Challenge website for more details:

The IJCAI 2009 Robotics site can be consulted for more information about the overall robotics events:


Matei Ciocarlie <cmatei@cs.columbia.edu>
Radu Bogdan Rusu <rusu@cs.tum.edu>
Chad Jenkins <cjenkins@cs.brown.edu>
Monica Anderson <anderson@cs.ua.edu>

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