Monday, December 17, 2007

Lab meeting December 18th:The Autonomous City Explorer Project: Aims and System Overview

Abstract—As robots are gradually leaving highly structuredfactory environments and moving into human populated environments,they need to possess more complex cognitive abilities.Not only do they have to operate efficiently and safely innatural populated environments, but also be able to achievehigher levels of cooperation and interaction with humans. TheAutonomous City Explorer (ACE) project envisions to createa robot that will autonomously navigate in an unstructuredurban environment and find its way through interaction withhumans. To achieve this, research results from the fields ofautonomous navigation, path planning, environment modeling,and human-robot interaction are combined. In this paper anovel hardware platform is introduced, a system overview isgiven, the research foci of ACE are highlighted, approaches tothe occurring challenges are proposed and analyzed, and finallysome first results are presented.


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