Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lab Meeting 11 December (Der-Yeuan): Registration of Colored 3D Point Clouds with a Kernel-based Extension to the Normal Distributions Transform

We present a new algorithm for scan registration
of colored 3D point data which is an extension to the Normal
Distributions Transform (NDT). The probabilistic approach of
NDT is extended to a color-aware registration algorithm by
modeling the point distributions as Gaussian mixture-models
in color space. We discuss different point cloud registration
techniques, as well as alternative variants of the proposed algorithm.
Results showing improved robustness of the proposed
method using real-world data acquired with a mobile robot and
a time-of-flight camera are presented.

Authors: Benjamin Huhle, Martin Magnusson, Achim, Lilienthal, Wolfgang, Straßer

Reference on NDT: http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/biber03normal.html

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