Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lab Meeting 15 October (Leo): Weakly Interacting Object Tracking in Indoor Environments

Weakly Interacting Object Tracking in Indoor Environments

authors: Chieh-Chih Wang, Kao-Wei Wan and Tzu-Chien Lo


Interactions between targets have been exploited
to solve the occlusion problem in multitarget tracking but
not to provide higher level scene understanding. In our previous
work [1], a variable structure multiple model estimation
framework with a scene interaction model and a neighboring
object interaction model was proposed to accomplish these
two tasks. The proposed approach was demonstrated in urban
areas using a laser scanner. As indoor environments
are relatively unconstrained than urban areas, interactions in
indoor environments are weaker and have more variants. Weak
interactions make scene interaction modeling and neighboring
object interaction modeling challenging. In this paper, a
place-driven scene interaction model is proposed to represent
long-term interactions in indoor environments. To deal with
complicated short-term interactions, the neighboring object
interaction model is consisted of three short-term interaction
models, following, approaching and avoidance. The moving
model, the stationary process model and these two interaction
models are integrated to accomplish weakly interacting object
tracking. In addition, higher level scene understanding such as
unusual activity recognition and important place identification
is accomplished straightforwardly. The experimental results
using data from a laser scanner demonstrate the feasibility
and robustness of the proposed approaches.


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