Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HRI08 Workshop: Coding Behavioral Video Data and Reasoning Data in Human-Robot Interaction: Call for submission

Purpose: The purpose of the workshop is to bring together HRI researchersand designers from across the world who are actively engaged - or would liketo be - in coding behavioral and/or reasoning data in HRI. We'll sharemethods from our respective laboratories, and discuss problems encounteredand potential solutions. By the end of the workshop:
* Participants will understand different approaches towardconstructing coding systems.
* Participants will be positioned better to analyze their own HRIdata.
* We will have begun to establish a community of researchers anddesigners who can share related ideas with one another in the years to come.
* We will move forward with publishing proceedings from the workshop.Deadline for Submission (for Presenters): December 14,2007
Peter H. Kahn, Jr.
University of Washington, USA

Takayuki Kanda
Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR), Japan

Nathan G. Freier
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

Rachel L. Severson
University of Washington, USA

Hiroshi Ishiguro
Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) and Osaka University, Japan
As the field of human-robot interaction begins to mature, researchers anddesigners are recognizing the need for systematic, comprehensive, andtheoretically-grounded methodologies for investigating people's socialinteractions with robots. One attractive approach entails the collection ofbehavioral video data in naturalistic or experimental settings. Anotherattractive approach entails interviewing participants about theirconceptions of human-robot interaction (e.g., during or immediatelyfollowing an interaction with a specific robot). With behavioral video dataand/or reasoning data in hand, the question then emerges: How does one codeand analyze such data?

The workshop is divided into two main parts.

Morning. Our collaborative laboratories (from the University of Washingtonand ATR) will share in some depth the coding system we have developed forcoding 90 children's social and moral behavior with and reasoning about ahumanoid robot (ATR's Robovie). This coding manual builds from othersystems we have developed and disseminated elsewhere as technical reports(Friedman, et al, 2005; Kahn et al., 2003, 2005, 2005). Key issuespresented in the morning include:

* What is a Coding Manual?
* Getting Started - Iterating between Data and Theory
* Building on Previous Systems, when Applicable
* Hierarchical Organization of Categories
* Time Segmentation of Behavior
* Behavior in Response to Robot-Initiated and Experimenter-InitiatedStimulus
* Coding Social and Moral Reasoning
* How to Deal with Multiple Ways of Coding a Single Behavioral Eventor Reason
* Reliability CodingWe'll have plenty of time for discussion of issues as they emerge.

Afternoon: Following a group lunch, we'll then have up to 5 participantspresent for 20 minutes each (followed by 20 minutes of discussion after eachpresentation). Presenters will provide a brief overview of one of their HRIresearch projects (hopefully with some video data or interview data inhand), and then explicate three problems they encountered in coding thedata, and then (if at all) how they sought to solve the problems. The 20minute discussion periods will provide time for participants to discuss thenature of the problems and other possible solution strategies.

Two Types of Participation
There will be two types of participation:

5 Presenters (in addition to the 5 organizers): Presenters will be activelyinvolved in HRI research that involves behavioral and/or reasoning data. Asnoted above, each presenter will have 20 minutes to present an overview ofone of their HRI research projects, and to present three problemsencountered and possible solutions.

Other Workshop Participants: Participants will join in the workshop andparticipate in discussions. The prerequisite is simply an interest in thetopic.

Submission Guidelines
As noted above, there will be two types of participation: (1) workshoppresenters, and (2) workshop participants. Submission guidelines differdepending on your interests in participating:

(1) Workshop Presenter: Send a one-page single-spaced summary of your HRIresearch project, and three possible coding problems encountered andpossible solutions. Indicate whether you anticipate having some actual datato share (video clips or interview transcripts) that illustrate your issuesat hand. Include an additional paragraph that summarizes your background inHRI. These submissions will be peer-reviewed. The deadline for submissionis December 14, 2007.

(2) Workshop Participant: Send a one-paragraph summary of your backgroundin HRI and interest in the workshop. Participants will be accepted on afirst-come-first-admitted basis.

The workshop will take place March 12, 2008, at the HRI '08 conference site,the beautiful Felix Meritis cultural center in central Amsterdam.

Workshop Proceedings
We plan to publish proceedings of the workshop in the form of a technicalreport. At this junction, the technical report will include the full codingsystem for the UW-ATR study on Children's Social and Moral Relationshipswith a Humanoid Robot. We would also like to include full coding systemsfrom the other 5 presenters in the workshop. Together, then, we would havecreated a vibrant initial repository of coding systems for other researchersto draw upon. However, if not all of the presenters have full systems, thenwe will include a written version of their summary of their project andtheir 3 problems and solutions presented during the workshop.

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