Friday, September 07, 2007

[VASC Seminar] Improving Spatial Support for Objects via Multiple Segmentations

Title: Improving Spatial Support for Objects via Multiple Segmentations
Speaker: Tomasz Malisiewicz

Sliding window scanning is the dominant paradigm in object recognition research today. But while much success has been reported in detecting several rectangular-shaped object classes (i.e. faces, cars, pedestrians), results have been much less impressive for more general types of objects. Several researchers have advocated the use of image segmentation as a way to get a better spatial support for objects. In this paper, our aim is to address this issue by studying the following
two questions: 1) how important is good spatial support for recognition? 2) can segmentation provide better spatial support for objects? To answer the first, we compare recognition performance using ground-truth segmentation vs. bounding boxes. To answer the second, we use the multiple segmentation approach to evaluate how close can real segments approach the ground-truth for real objects, and at what cost. Our results demonstrate the importance of finding the right spatial support
for objects, and the feasibility of doing so without excessive computational burden.

4. Discussion

In this paper, our central goal was to carefully examine the issues involved in obtaining good spatial support for objects. With segmentation (and multiple segmentation approaches in particular) becoming popular in object recognition, we felt it was high time to do a quantitative evaluation of the benefits and the trade-offs compared to traditional sliding window methods. The results of this evaluation can be summarized in terms of the following “take-home” lessons:

Correct spatial support is important for recognition: We confirm that knowing the right spatial support leads to substantially better recognition performance for a large number of object categories, especially those that are not well approximated by a rectangle. This should give pause to researchers who feel that recognition can be solved by training Viola-Jones detectors for all the world’s objects.

Multiple segmentations are better than one: We empirically confirm the intuition
of [6, 11] that multiple segmentations (even naively produced) substantially improve spatial support estimation compared to a single segmentation. Mean-Shift is better than FH or NCuts, but together they do best: On average, Mean-Shift segmentation appeared to outperform FH and NCuts in finding good spatial support for objects. However, for some object categories, the other algorithms did a better job, suggesting that different segmentation strategies are beneficial for different object types. As a result, combining the “segment soups” from all three methods together
produced by far the best performance.

Segment merging can benefit any segmentation: Our results show that increasing
the segmentation soup by merging 2 or 3 adjacent segments together improves the spatial support, regardless of the segmentation algorithm. This is because objects may contain parts that are very different photometrically (skin and hair on a face) and would never make a coherent segment using bottom-up strategies. The merging appears to be an effective way to address this issue without doing a full exhaustive search.
“Segment soup” is large, but not catastrophically large: The size of the segment
soup that is required to obtain extremely good spatial support can be quite large (around 10,000 segments). However, this is still an order of magnitude less than the number of sliding windows that a Viola-Jones-style approach must examine. Moreover, it appears that using a number of different segmentation strategies together, we can get reasonable performance with as little as 100 segments per image!

In conclusion, this work takes the first steps towards understanding the importance of providing good spatial support for recognition algorithms, as well as offering the practitioner a set of concrete strategies for using existing segmentation algorithms to get the best object support they can.


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