Sunday, July 15, 2007

CVPR07 Viewpoint-Coded Structured Light

Author : Mark Young, Erik Beeson, James Davis, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and Ravi Ramamoorthi

Abstract :
We introduce a theoretical framework and practical algorithmsfor replacing time-coded structured light patternswith viewpoint codes, in the form of additional camera locations. Current structured light methods typically use log(N) light patterns, encoded over time, to unambiguously reconstructN unique depths. We demonstrate that each additionalcamera location may replace one frame in a temporalbinary code. Our theoretical viewpoint coding analysisshows that, by using a high frequency stripe pattern andplacing cameras in carefully selected locations, the epipolarprojection in each camera can be made to mimic thebinary encoding patterns normally projected over time. Resultsfrom our practical implementation demonstrate reliabledepth reconstruction that makes neither temporal norspatial continuity assumptions about the scene being captured.


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