Wednesday, June 06, 2007

CVPR07 oral: Fast, Approximately Optimal Solutions for Single and Dynamic MRFs

Fast, Approximately Optimal Solutions for Single and Dynamic MRFs

Nikos Komodakis, Georgios Tziritas, and Nikos Paragios

A new efficient MRF optimization algorithm, called Fast-PD, is proposed, which generalizes alpha-expansion. One of its main advantages is that it offers a substantial speedup over that method, e.g. it can be at least 3-9 times faster than alpha-expansion. Its efficiency is a result of the fact that Fast-PD exploits information coming not only from the original MRF problem, but also from a dual problem. Furthermore, besides static MRFs, it can also be used for boosting the performance of dynamic MRFs, i.e. MRFs varying over time. On top of that, Fast-PD makes no compromise about the optimality of its solutions: it can compute exactly the same answer as aplha-expansion, but, unlike that method, it can also guarantee an almost optimal solution for a much wider class of NP-hard MRF problems. Results on static and dynamic MRFs demonstrate the algorithm’s efficiency and power. E.g., Fast-PD has been able to compute disparity for stereoscopic sequences in real time, with the resulting disparity coinciding with that of alpha-expansion. PDF

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