Monday, June 04, 2007

CVPR07 oral: Differential Camera Tracking through Linearizing the Local Appearance Manifold

Differential Camera Tracking through Linearizing the Local Appearance Manifold

Hua Yang, Marc Pollefeys, Greg Welch, Jan-Michael Frahm, and Adrian Ilie

The appearance of a scene is a function of the scene contents, the lighting, and the camera pose. A set of n-pixel images of a non-degenerate scene captured from different perspectives lie on a 6D nonlinear manifold in R^n. In general, this nonlinear manifold is complicated and numerous samples are required to learn it globally. In this paper, we present a novel method and some preliminary results for incrementally tracking camera motion through sampling and linearizing the local appearance manifold. At each frame time, we use a cluster of calibrated and synchronized small baseline cameras to capture scene appearance samples at different camera poses. We compute a first-order approximation of the appearance manifold around the current camera pose. Then, as new cluster samples are captured at the next frame time, we estimate the incremental camera motion using a linear solver. By using intensity measurements and directly sampling the appearance manifold, our method avoids the commonly-used feature extraction and matching processes, and does not require 3D correspondences across frames. Thus it can be used for scenes with complicated surface materials, geometries, and view-dependent appearance properties, situations where many other camera tracking methods would fail. PDF

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