Friday, April 20, 2007

Lab Meeting 26 April 2007 (AShin) :(ICRA 07)Outdoor Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Differential GPS and Curb Detection

Title:Outdoor Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Differential GPS and Curb Detection

Author:Seung-Hun Kim , Chi-Won Roh , Sung-Chul Kang and Min-Yong Park

Abstract— This paper demonstrates a reliable navigation ofa mobile robot in outdoor environment. We fuse differential GPS and odometry data using the framework of extended Kalman filter to localize a mobile robot. And also, we proposean algorithm to detect curbs through the laser range finder. Animportant feature of road environment is the existence of curbs.The mobile robot builds the map of the curbs of roads and themap is used for tracking and localization. The navigation systemfor the mobile robot consists of a mobile robot and a controlstation. The mobile robot sends the image data from a camera tothe control station. The control station receives and displays theimage data and the teleoperator commands the mobile robotbased on the image data. Since the image data does not containenough data for reliable navigation, a hybrid strategy forreliable mobile robot in outdoor environment is suggested.When the mobile robot is faced with unexpected obstacles or thesituation that, if it follows the command, it can happen to collide,it sends a warning message to the teleoperator and changes themode from teleoperated to autonomous to avoid the obstacles byitself. After avoiding the obstacles or the collision situation, themode of the mobile robot is returned to teleoperated mode. Wehave been able to confirm that the appropriate change ofnavigation mode can help the teleoperator perform reliablen avigation in outdoor environment through experiments in theroad.

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