Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lab meeitng 27 Oct., 2006 (Eric): Rapid Shape Acquisition Using Color Structured Light and Multi-pass Dynamic Programming

Authors:Li Zhang, Brian Curless, and Steven M. Seitz

From:In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT) 2002

Abstract:This paper presents a color structured light technique forrecovering object shape from one or more images. The techniqueworks by projecting a pattern of stripes of alternatingcolors and matching the projected color transitions with observededges in the image. The correspondence problem issolved using a novel, multi-pass dynamic programming algorithmthat eliminates global smoothness assumptions andstrict ordering constraints present in previous formulations.The resulting approach is suitable for generating both highspeedscans of moving objects when projecting a single stripepattern and high-resolution scans of static scenes using ashort sequence of time-shifted stripe patterns. In the lattercase, spacetime analysis is used at each sensor pixel to obtaininter-frame depth localization. Results are demonstratedfor a variety of complex scenes.

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