Tuesday, October 10, 2006

CMU VASC talk: Joint Image Alignment--What's it Good For?

Erik Learned Miller, UMass, Amherst
Monday, Oct 9, 3:30pm, NSH 1507

In this talk, I will start by reviewing previous work on "congealing", a joint alignment algorithm for images that uses a minimum entropy criterion. I show how congealing can be used not only to align images which have undergone certain sets of transformations, but how it can be used to eliminate a variety of different types of unwanted "distortion" in images, such as the bias fields seen in magnetic resonance imaging. I show how any that produces a scalar score can be turned into a congealing algorithm. I will also discuss recent applications to new problems, including the role of congealing in our object detection algorithmhyper-feature face recognizer, and a project to automatically define the most salient points for registration in medical image volumes.

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