Tuesday, September 05, 2006

(meoscar)My Talk, Sep 7 2006: Visual-Hull Reconstruction from Uncalibrated and Unsynchronized Video Streams

Title:Visual-Hull Reconstruction from Uncalibrated and Unsynchronized Video Streams.
Proceeding of the Second International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT'04).
Author: Sudipta N. Sinha and Marc Pollefeys .Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
Abstract:We present an approach for automatic reconstruction of adynamic event using multiple video cameras recording fromdifferent viewpoints. Those cameras do not need to be calibratedor even synchronized. Our approach recovers allthe necessary information by analyzing the motion of thesilhouettes in the multiple video streams. The first stepconsists of computing the calibration and synchronizationfor pairs of cameras. We compute the temporal offset andepipolar geometry using an efficient RANSAC-based algorithmto search for the epipoles as well as for robustness.In the next stage the calibration and synchronization forthe complete camera network is recovered and then refinedthrough maximum likelihood estimation. Finally, a visualhullalgorithm is used to the recover the dynamic shape ofthe observed object. For unsynchronized video streams silhouettesare interpolated to deal with subframe temporaloffsets. We demonstrate the validity of our approach byobtaining the calibration, synchronization and 3D reconstructionof a moving person from a set of 4 minute videosrecorded from 4 widely separated video cameras.
PDF file: the link
About the Author's others research:the link

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