Thursday, August 24, 2006

CMU thesis oral: Spectral Rounding & Image Segmentation

David Tolliver, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

29 Aug 2006

The task of assigning labels to pixels is central to computer vision. In automatic segmentation an algorithm assigns a label to each pixel where labels connote a shared property across pixels (e.g. color, bounding contour, texture). Recent approaches to image segmentation have formulated this labeling task as partitioning a graph derived from the image. We use spectral segmentation to denote the family of algorithms that seek a partitioning by processing the eigenstructure associated with image graphs. In this thesis we analyze current spectral segmentation algorithms and explain their performance, both practically and theoretically, on the Normalized Cuts (NCut) criterion. Further, we introduce a novel family of spectral graph partitioning methods, spectral rounding, and apply them to image segmentation tasks. Edge separators of a graph are produced by iteratively reweighting the edges until the graph disconnects into the prescribed number of components. At each iteration a small number of eigenvectors with small eigenvalue are computed and used to determine the reweighting. In this way spectral rounding directly produces discrete solutions where as current spectral algorithms must map the continuous eigenvectors to discrete solutions by employing a heuristic geometric separator (e.g. k-means). We show that spectral rounding compares favorably to current spectral approximations on the NCut criterion in natural image segmentation. Quantitative evaluations are performed on multiple image databases including the Berkeley Segmentation Database. These experiments demonstrate that segmentations with improved NCut value (obtained using the SR-Algorithm) are more highly correlated with human hand- segmentations.

A copy of the thesis oral document can be found at

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