Wednesday, May 03, 2006

PAL lab meeting 4, May, 2006 (Jim): Self-calibration and metric 3D reconstruction from images

M. Pollefeys, R. Koch, L. Van Gool. Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera Parameters, Proc.ICCV'98, pp.90-95, Bombay, 1998. joint winner of the David Marr prize (best paper). (PollefeysICCV98.pdf)

M. Pollefeys, Self-calibration and metric 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated image sequences, Ph.D. Thesis, ESAT-PSI, K.U.Leuven, 1999, Scientific Prize BARCO 1999. (PollefeysPhD.pdf)

Pollefeys' website.

Abstract (PollefeysICCV98.pdf):
      In this paper the feasibility of self-calibration in the presence of varying internal camera parameters is under investigation. A self-calibration method is presented which efficiently deals with all kinds of constraints on the internal camera parameters. Within this framework a practical method is proposed which can retrieve metric reconstruction from image sequences obtained with uncalibrated zooming/focusing cameras. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated on real and synthetic examples.

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