Monday, May 08, 2006

CMU: VASC seminar Monday: Jake Sprouse

Lane Structure Modeling and Tracking

Jake Sprouse

Time : Monday, May 8, 2006
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(goodies at 3:20pm)
Location : 3305 Newell Simon Hall

Abstract :
In this talk I will discuss recent work in road structure
modeling and tracking as part of the Denso project. Previous work in
lane monitoring has focused on the "ego-lane" and does not attempt to
model adjacent lanes, on/off ramps, intersections, etc... We have
taken preliminary steps towards the broader goal. I will first
present work in detection of stripe-like features using steerable
filters. Then I will discuss our attempt at tracking road stripes
using a multiple-hypothesis linear/Gaussian approach. Finally I will
show preliminary results in using particle filters to track a richer
road structure model.

Bio :
Jake Sprouse is a PhD candidate in the CMU Robotics Institute.
His research is towards scene understanding using contextual
relationships between object classes. He received the BS degree in
Mathematical and Computer Sciences from the Colorado School of Mines
in Golden, Colorado, and spent three years as a programmer for
Nomadic Technologies, Inc. in Mountain View, California.

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