Saturday, April 08, 2006

MIT CSAIL Thesis Oral: Multi-Stream Speech Recognition: Theory and Practice

Speaker: Han Shu , Spoken Language Systems Group
Date: Monday, April 10 2006

In this thesis, we have focused on improving the acoustic modeling of speech recognition systems to increase the overall recognition performance. We formulate a novel multi-stream speech recognition framework using multi-tape finite-state transducers (FSTs). The multi-dimensional input labels of the multi-tape FST transitions specify the acoustic models to be used for the individual feature streams. An additional auxiliary field is used to model the degree of asynchrony among the feature streams. The individual feature streams can be linear sequences such as fixed-frame-rate features in traditional hidden Markov model (HMM) systems, and the feature streams can also be directed acyclic graphs such as segment features in segment-based systems. In a single-tape mode, this multi-stream framework also unifies the frame-based HMM and the segment-based approach.

Systems using the multi-stream speech recognition framework were evaluated on an audio-only and an audio-visual speech recognition task. On the Wall Street Journal speech recognition task, the multi-stream framework combined a traditional frame-based HMM with segment-based landmark features. The system achieved word error rate (WER) of 8.0%, improved from both the WER of 8.8% of the baseline HMM-only system and the WER of 10.4% of the landmark-only system. On the AV-TIMIT audio-visual speech recognition task, the multi-stream framework combined a landmark model, a segment model, and a visual HMM. The system achieved a WER of 0.9%, which also improved from the baseline systems. These results demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of the multi-stream speech recognition framework.

Thesis Supervisor: James R. Glass
Committee: Victor Zue, Michael Collins, Herb Gish

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