Thursday, March 09, 2006

CMU & MIT talk: Visual classification by a hierarchy of semantic fragments

Boris Epshtein, Weizmann Institute

CVPR 2005 Oral paper

We describe a novel technique for identifying semantically equivalent parts in images belonging to the same object class, (e.g. eyes, license plates, aircraft wings etc.). The visual appearance of such object parts can differ substantially, and therefore traditional image similarity-based methods are inappropriate for this task. The technique we propose is based on the use of common context. We first retrieve context fragments, which consistently appear together with a given input fragment in a stable geometric relation. We then use the context fragments in new images to infer the most likely position of equivalent parts. Given a set of image examples of objects in a class, the method can automatically learn the part structure of the domain–identify the main parts, and how their appearance changes across objects in the class. Two applications of the proposed algorithm are shown: the detection and identification of object parts and object recognition.

PDF Slides

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