Monday, December 12, 2005

about my talk

My talk this week will discuss about the following paper:The link
Detecting irregularities in images and in video
(Receive Honorable Mention for the 2005 Marr Prize)

Author : Oren Boiman , Michal Irani (Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Math , The Weizmann Institute of Science , Israel)

Abstract :
We address the problem of detecting irregularities in visualdata, e.g., detecting suspicious behaviors in video sequences,or identifying salient patterns in images. The term“irregular” depends on the context in which the “regular”or “valid” are defined. Yet, it is not realistic to expectexplicit definition of all possible valid configurations fora given context. We pose the problem of determining thevalidity of visual data as a process of constructing a puzzle:We try to compose a new observed image region ora new video segment (“the query”) using chunks of data(“pieces of puzzle”) extracted from previous visual examples(“the database”). Regions in the observed data whichcan be composed using large contiguous chunks of datafrom the database are considered very likely, whereas regionsin the observed data which cannot be composed fromthe database (or can be composed, but only using smallfragmented pieces) are regarded as unlikely/suspicious. Theproblem is posed as an inference process in a probabilisticgraphical model. We show applications of this approach toidentifying saliency in images and video, and for suspiciousbehavior recognition.

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