Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What's New @ IEEE in Wireless, November 2005

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) says it is working with the building industry, public safety officials and information technologists to study how "intelligent" building systems can be used by firefighters, police and other first responders to assess emergency conditions in real-time. NIST is developing standards for various types of communication networks (including wireless networks) to transmit real-time building sensor information on mechanical systems, elevators, lighting, security and fire systems, occupant locations, and temperature and smoke conditions to first responders. According to NIST, the network information would include floor plans and live data from motion, heat, biochemical and other sensors and video cameras. Read more

In related first-responder news, the article "Service-Based Computing on
Manets: Enabling Dynamic Interoperability of First Responders," can be
found in the current issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine

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