Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My talk this Wednesday


Multi-Plannar Projection by Fixed-Center Pan-Tile Projectors
{Ikuhisa Mitsugami , Norimichi Ukita , Masatsugu Kidode}


We describe a new steerable projector, whose projection center precisely corresponds with its rotation center, which we call a “fixed-center pan-tilt (FC-PT) projector.” This mechanism allows it be set up more easily to display graph- ics precisely on the planes in the environment than for other steerable projectors; wherever we would like to display graphics, all we have to do are locating the FC-PT projec- tor in the environment, and directing it to the corners of the planes whose 2D sizes have been measured. Moreover, as the FC-PT projector can recognize automatically whether each plane is connected to others, it can display visual in- formation that lies across the boundary line of two planes in a similar way to a paper poster folded along the planes.

Multi-Plannar Projection by Fixed-Center Pan-Tile Projectors

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