Saturday, November 12, 2005

MIT talk: Visual Recognition: From Generative to Discriminative Models

Speaker: Pietro Perona , Caltech
Date: Monday, November 14 2005

We can easily recognize objects and properties of the world by looking. If machines had this ability they could be much more intelligent and useful. I will present a taxonomy of visual recognition, review the state of the art and discuss a number of fascinating open problems.

Pietro Perona studies the computational aspects of vision; his current focus is visual recognition. He has published on applications of PDEs to image segmentation, human texture perception and segmentation, dynamic vision, grouping, perception of human motion, learning and recognition of object categories, categorization of scenes in human vision, human perception of 3D shape, interaction of attention and recognition. Perona is Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Computation and Neural Systems at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). He is the Director of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center in Neuromorphic Systems Engineering at Caltech.

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