Friday, August 26, 2005

CMU VASC Talk: Towards Intelligent Video Solutions

Xiaoming Liu, Jens Rittscher, Nils Krahnstoever
Visualization and Computer Vision
GE Global Research

The Visualization and Computer Vision Group at GE Global Research serves a large number of GE businesses in areas such as medical image processing, industrial inspection, and intelligent video systems. We will give a brief overview of our group and will then focus on security related projects. We will motivate specific research needs that originate from our collaboration with GE Security. The objective of the ongoing research is to extend the functionality and robustness of the intelligent video product line currently offered by GE.

The technical presentation will include auto-calibration, segmentation of crowds, and people counting. The talk will present an approach to reliably estimate camera parameters form person detections. Furthermore we will illustrate that this calibration information effectively enables model-based segmentation of crowds and people counting.

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