Thursday, August 04, 2005

Call For Paper (CFP)

*Call for Papers:Joint Issue of IJCV and IJRR on Vision and Robotics*

Over the past several years, there has been rapid progress in the development of vision techniques applicable to robotics. At the same time vision has become a more practical and affordable technology for robotics applications. However, the scientific interests of both communities have diverged to the point that few major journals or conferences publish new and innovative results at the confluence of vision and robotics.

The goal of this joint issue of IJCV and IJRR is to provide a forum for the communication of new ideas at the interface between the vision and robotics communities. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Vision and control
- Vision and manipulation
- Vision and mobility
- Vision and navigation
- Vision combined with other sensors such as range, force or tactile
- Unique visual sensors suited to robotic applications
- Robotic systems incorporating vision sensors in novel ways
- Applications of vision and robotics

The joint issue will appear simultaneously in both journals, and will include an editors' forward that outlines the content of both journals. The preliminary deadline for paper submission is *October 1, 2005*. Instructions and updated information on submission can be found at:

Guest Editors:
Gregory D. Hager, Johns Hopkins University
Seth Hutchinson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Martial Hebert, Carnegie Mellon

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