Title: Object Mapping, Recognition, and Localization from Tactile Geometry
Authors: Zachary Pezzementi, Caitlin Reyda, and Gregory D. Hager
We present a method for performing
object recognition using multiple images acquired from a
tactile sensor. The method relies on using the tactile sensor as an imaging device, and builds an object representation based on mosaics of tactile measurements. We then describe an algorithm that is able to recognize an object using a small number of tactile sensor readings. Our approach makes extensive use of sequential state estimation techniques from the mobile robotics literature, whereby we view the
object recognition problem as one of
estimating a consistent location within a set of object maps. We examine and test approaches based on both traditional
particle filtering and
histogram filtering. We demonstrate both the
mapping and
recognition / localization techniques on a set of raised letter shapes using real tactile sensor data.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), 2011